Browse our treasure trove of podcasts, case studies and blogs to your heart’s content.
16 September 2021 - Google Cloud execs discuss how telco evolved during the pandemic, the most promising solutions for telco leaders, and how Google Cloud fits into the mix.
1 July 2021 - For hundreds of years, the office has been the center of work. But over the next decade, carriers face an unprecedented opportunity to shift the center of work – and corporate investment with it – from commercial real estate to the network. It’s worth trillions of dollars, but requires new thinking about the ‘future of...
1 July 2021 - Microsoft, TM Forum and ETI Software customize the Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365 products to enable telco-specific application design and development and fuel new innovation and automation for network operators, internet service providers, and mobile carriers. Learn how this tailored solution for telecommunications and broadband providers delivers functionality that spans the full subscriber lifestyle....
1 July 2021 - AWS talk about the compelling 5G proposition, the rewards it can bring, and the challenges for the telecom operators who want to take full advantage of it.
1 July 2021 - The cloud changes how the companies think about spending, scaling based on the need, and optimizing resources. Watch the interview with Microsoft's Principal Cloud Solutions Architect, John Savill, to learn more.
1 July 2021 - Watch the interview to discover the steps every organization can take to keep the cloud spend under control and make the most of the public cloud.