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Danielle Royston at the DSP World Leader's Forum, Windsor


Let freedom ring (and break free from your BSS vendor)

2 July 2024 - While many telcos fear hyperscaler lock-in, it's the legacy vendors that have them trapped. Here’s why and how to break free.

Telco in 20 Guest Iain Morris Light Reading


Ep 92 – The state of cloud in telco, with Iain Morris from Light Reading

28 May 2024 - Following telcos' adoption of the public cloud is critical to understanding the future of the telecom industry. Iain Morris from Light Reading gives his take on where telcos are in their public cloud journey, how AI factors in, and more.

TelcoDR Cloud


Telco’s shift to the public cloud gets real

21 May 2024 - O2 Telefónica Germany is ditching private cloud and going all-in on the public cloud for its network—a major signal that the future of telco is in the public cloud.

Telco in 20 Guest Jason Hogg Microsoft


Ep 91 – Exploring AIOps with Microsoft Azure

14 May 2024 - Microsoft is helping telcos harness the power of AI through data management, innovative tools, and transformation insights. Jason Hogg, general manager for AIOps within Azure, explains what the hyperscaler is up to. Microsoft Azure is helping telcos manage their data for AI workloads and prepare for an AI revolution.

Telco in 20 Guest Shay Assaraf Totogi


Ep 89 – What’s up with Totogi: The public cloud is perfect for Africa

16 April 2024 - The hyperscalers are spending billions in Africa, setting the stage for the public cloud to revolutionize the continent’s telcos. With regulations easing and affordable SaaS solutions growing, African telecoms are poised for an era of growth and success.

TelcoDR - The public cloud is PERFECT for Africa


The public cloud is PERFECT for Africa

9 April 2024 - The public cloud is taking off in Africa—and it’s a perfect match for the continent's telcos.

Telco in 20 Guest Charles Fitzgerald Platformonomics


Ep 88 – Cloud CAPEX: Not for the faint of wallet

2 April 2024 - Following the hyperscalers' CAPEX spending is a great way to get a sense of their strategic plans and priorities. Charles Fitzgerald from Platformonomics offers insights into the Big 3's 2023 investments.



5 things you gotta do at MWC24

22 February 2024 - MWC24 is finally here! Telco execs, here are five must-dos for your itinerary at the event.